Temperature – 09/11/10

Make sure you are comfortable when working. If you are too hot or too cold, it will affect your productivity and it can cause you to tense up your muscles or adopt awkward postures. For example, if there is a cold draft blowing on your neck, you may tense up your neck and upper back because you are feeling cold.  Some tips to try:  layer your clothing for easy addition or removal, request that drafts be redirected, and ask for a small heater if overall temperature cannot be raised.

One thought on “Temperature – 09/11/10

  1. This is totally true, and I find that my hands and feet can get particularly cold when I’m working at the computer. I’ve found that wearing fingerless gloves can help. . .though I look a little funny. I never thought of the neck though– maybe wearing a turtlneck could help me?


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